Salvation Army Vinyl Window Sign
Vinyl Window Signs Draws Attention to Your Store. Family Store or Thrift Store. Printed on white Vinyl in Red & Blue. Just press into place. Two Sizes: 7" x 18" $19.95 and 20" x 48" $94.00 SKU: 1550
TSA Emergency Response Team Reusable Sign
9" x 16" Low tack sign displays message from inside of window. More easily removed than a pressure-sensitive sign. Printed on plastic. Ideal for short-term use and reusable. SKU: 1574
Salvation Army Store Department Signs (Set of 10)
Large 12 x 48 inch ceiling signs. Printed on 2 sides for better viewing. Mounted on 1/8 inch durable gator board, with drilled holes for easy hanging. Titles: Appliances,Bric-A-Brac, Children’s,Collectibles,
Domestics, Furniture, Ladies, Luggage, Mens, and Shoes. Custom titles available at $98.00 each
SKU: 1580
Small Store Department Signs (Set of 17)
Salvation Army Set of 17 Store Department Signs printed 2 sides on heavy 80 Pt board with holes for hanging. Each sign is 7 x 20". Works great in any small store. SKU: 1581