Black Magnetic Deacon Pins & Deaconess Pins
Magnetic Deacon & Deaconess church leadership badges. 1 1/2 x 3 inches. Durable fiberglass with rounded corners. Black with bold white text. Easy to read. Deacon, Deaconess, Chairman Deacon, Chairperson Deacon, and Deacon Ministry titles. SKU: 2511
Deacon's Cross Necklace Joy, Triumph Glory
Bronze Deacon's Cross 2 1/2" with White Sash comes on a brown cord gift boxed. * Season of Christmas * Season of Easter * Nuptial Masses * Masses for the dead (Requiem Masses). SKU: 4840
Price: $12.95
Sale: $10.95
Deacon's Cross Necklace - Penance & Humility
Bronze Deacon's Cross. 2 1/2 inches with Purple Sash on a brown cord. Comes gift boxed. * Season of Advent * Season of Septuagenarian
* Season of Lent * Rogation Days * Good Friday SKU: 4841
Price: $12.95
Sale: $10.95
Deacon Cross Necklace - The Passion & Fire
Deacon Cross Necklace with Red Stole Pendant, 2 1/2 inch, solid bronze on a 33 inch brown cord gift boxed. * Feasts of the Lord's passion, Blood, and Cross * Feasts of the martyrs * Palm Sunday * Pentecost SKU: 4842
Price: $12.95
Sale: $10.95